Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seismic Soul

I fancy I hear your soul breathe,
I fancy that only I really know you.
So surely folly, I hardly know you,
Yet for some reason I'm falling madly...

Everything is based on my own need,
I hunger for something true blue;
A thirst-driven search for a taboo stew.
I keep ending up here, oddly...

Yellow, the red-riven skies seeth
Down through the layers I bleed through,
Ask me; I know that you want to,
You must for this thing to end badly.

And I fancy that too...
So surely, I fancy that too.

Pictured: "Seismic Soul" 24"x20" oils and acrylics on canvas. SOLD (after only one day in the new Woodlands Art League Gallery!)

1 comment:

  1. I love the lyrics (poem?) that goes with this. And it really does fit the piece perfectly!
