In the early 17th century, Francis Bacon (philosopher, scientist, and pioneer of the scientific method) wrote the following: "Deformed persons are commonly even with nature: for as nature hath done ill by them, so do they... have their revenge of nature. Certainly there is a consent between the body and the mind, and where nature erreth in the one, she ventureth in the other: Ubi peccat in uno, periclitatur in altero.
It occurred to me that this is nowhere more obvious or evident than in the brilliant cosmologist and physicist Stephen Hawking. Early in his academic career he began to experience the symptoms of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). It has progressed to the point that his only "contact" with the world is achieved through technology that would have made him an intellectual shut-in in an earlier generation.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Hawking has advanced relativity, our understanding of black holes, and improbably he has attained celebrity status for his ability to communicate these concepts to the public.
Would he have reached the same intellectual heights as an able-bodied man?
"Stephen Hawking" 18"x24" oils on canvas. Available.